Corron is a world I blended in my mind for a collection of novels currently in progress. The deep magic and heroes, along with the rich history of Corron, is waiting for you...

Corron Xtrillion (sci-fi fantasy) -- Technology and the Flow fused together, 300,000 years into the future of Corron.

Secrets of Infinity New blog in the works Shooting for Jan 2011

Check it out ::) Join in... share your imagination

Sunday, October 24, 2010

SranDorh and Vill say farewell...for now, "Dont forget," they told each other... Both dipped their chins, "Agreed," the soon-to-be Gods of Corron confirmed. Well...? everyone forgets...

The pact of the "Rise"was birthed in SranDorh's mind during the close of the "Dark times".  He stood high above, on the edge of a mountain that overlooked a tenebrious battlefield, "What are we fighting for?... I cant remember why or when it started," distantly mused the Infinity Lord. "How many have died?... For what?"...

The chaos that raged far below had been going on for months, both sides  slammed against each other with relentless force, over and over... trying to get the upper hand on its enemy -- although both armies proved equal in tactics and command of the flow. Neither side could prevail over the other, the blood poured.

Wicked flow, tainted with vile darkness, crackled and singed the air as it streaked from the insidious demon ranks, always countered or snuffed out by the Infinity Lord's Battle Manipulators, defending with their granted searing light.

SranDorh sighed as he gazed blankly over the slaughter. He had received news on the condition of the planet's core, the source of the flow,several days earlier. The core was fading, along with the presence of the flow, and would soon wink out... destroying everything.  Life would come to a halt... and fade from the universe, theirs would be a dead planet lost to the void. Many like himself had begun to gather, searching for a solution... time was running short, and still, all touched waged war, with no end in sight. Something had to be done quickly, by all the coretouched, Dark and Light together... for only together... could they survive.

Months later...

Vill faced his three thousand-year old enemy in a dismal cavern, far below the surface of Corron and waited patiently for a response. A moment passed in silence, except for the hollow hum of the wind singing into the depths.

"Yes... it's done," SranDorh quietly sighed.
 "Ah! good, that's it then. Oilthaed is sealed and the Rise can begin. What of the Oqre queen? She lives?" asked Vill with a squint of excitement. The Infinity Lord stood with his arms folded across his chest, "The queen lives and has no way to gain access to the prison. You know as well as I, she is incapable of tapping the core and is not a threat to any of us," said SranDorh, "So why ask?"

Vill spread a grin across his scarred face and replied, "A bit touchy today my friend, just asking...shall we?" he gestured, moving his hand and pointed down the dark tunnel that led further into the depths of the unknown. "Heaven waits for its Gods of Corron."

SranDorh stared at the twisted Vill, his gaze locked and serious, "We are not friends Scared one, don't forget that... now, lead on or step aside...we have work to do," he said with a bit of edge, then pushed past his nemesis.

"Heh heh heh... don't forget, this was your idea," Vill snickered, then turned and followed with his usual swagger. A moment later both Gods vanished into the dark gloom.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Dwarven Element Flow… Music Worrms fear! ~ting!!!~

The ancient worrm(dragon) glided thru the thick and hazy sky sketched with dull shades of black and gray.  Reeking coppery death, he cruised and sliced the wind at an insane speed -- all the while scanning for his target far below on the smoke filled, blood stained battlefield… Saughtered beasts littered the entrance to the canyon mouth in the distance. Blocking the canyon, the Storm Mountain Clan dwarves defended and held the gap between the Gorr peaks, with pure ferocity and determination. Backed with the brutal "Element Flow", they kept the Worrm Circle's bestial troops at bay… not a single dwarf fell for two grueling days. Many of the defenders received mortal wounds, but all refused to fall…some stood trembling with patched up severed limbs, while many cringed with scorched flesh, small whiffs of smoke billowed from their beards.  But…boldly they waited, patiently they waited, for the next wave of chaos to come smashing against their shields… However, there would be no next wave, the worrm general had arrived with orders from his masters -- " Finish the short, stubborn bastards!"

Granitesissetinarg, a huge, ancient granite-scaled worrm, protected by its stony armor, slowed his speed and began a gradual decent -- his wings buffeted the air, spanning over a hundred feet, tip to tip…massive metallic teeth the size of daggers protruded out of wide a reptilian mug. The worrm's vile, piercing jet black eyes bored into the shielded pack of dwarves bravely clustering together, sizing them up for his attack. The Worm Circle's general soared near the waiting mountain clan, which looked like a large collection of shield domes clogging the Gorr gap.

Pathetic…look at the little meats, frozen in fear, just cowering behind their weak metal... knowing that death has come … probably sniveling to their…their… ah yes, their gods. Little creatures that grovel and beg for power… how sad, thought Granite casually as he approached, subconsciously choosing the dwarves final fate from his array of flow abilities.

Granite swooped in for his destructive pass, This will finish the them,  and sooner the better, I despise being this far south of the Circle. Granite was infuriated at being ordered to perform such a demeaning task, F ing Circle, he thought. Granite lined up, shooting up and down in quick, short pops, keeping himself balanced in the turbulent winds moving now at increased speed. Granitesissetinarg hurled fearlessly forward… murder twinkling in his black orbs.
The smoking dome pitted structures blocking the pass exploded, shedding shields that clanged to the ground revealing large crystals securing the siege weapons, set within metal frames braced to the earth by huge chains. Dwarves crouched near each stone with glowing red hot rods clutched in their grips, the rods ended with what looked to be tuning forks. War drums sounded from the canyon behind the rooted dwarves, creating a low hum that made the air tingle with a static charge. The crouched dwarves started to strike an odd assortment of glowing strings attached to the crystals with their forks… "Ting !!!... High pitched notes emanated from the musical dwarves as the crystals filled with Element flow energy -- within seconds the siege weapons sent green charged ripples tearing towards the approaching worrm.

Granite's eyes shot wide at the scene before him, he tried to pull up, but the hum from the canyon drums made the air heavy and sticky and forced him forward. No… he thought, then roared, instantly blasting his breath of vile death at the laughing dwarves… as his last act on Corron.
~ Happened sometime during the 1st Worrm Wars in the "Time of Darkness".

Monday, October 18, 2010

Gezlyrie'Ra past, the answer to the 300yr old mystery. A trail within "Secrets of Infinity" ??? you never know

Gezlyrie'Ra was once a thriving mystical city claiming the fertile oasis that stretched south, for to the east, towered the Konlyr Shards, a massive scorched-tipped mountain range, spanning north and south for hundreds of miles. To the west of the city, scraping the edges of the oasis, stretched the Cracked Desert, a death trap to any who dared enter it. The oasis and Shards ran south together several hundred miles or more to meet up with the Unnamed ocean and tropical coast, populated by a mostly human race.

Three hundred years earlier Gezlyrie'Ra occupants began to vanish without a trace...none could help or define their enemy. The leaders sent word for help...none came. The southern cities abandoned the doomed city, afraid the epidemic of loss would spread. The mighty Gezlryie'Ra slowly faded into time and crumbled into ruin...alone, or were they?  None dared enter the lost city for 300 years, afraid they would vanish in the wind.

The mystery of the death of the great city Gezlryie'Ra will be explored in more detail within "Secrets of Infinity" Did anyone from the city survive? How did one of the mightiest magical cities in the southern world fall without a sound? How could the Grand manipulators of the flow fall so easily?

Here is a taste of what befell Gezlryie'Ra... 

An outer-planar race of amphibious mimics claimed a giant underground lake below the Konlyr Shards. Within the abysmal depths of the dark subterranean waters gaped a portal to their wet plane of existence. These water-and land-breathing mimics wielded an old and lost form of the flow...probably from the "Age of Coretouched", where many different forms of flow manipulation existed. Slowly and methodically the mimics snuffed out the city by confusion -- trapped and turned the citizens against one another. The mimics magic was ancient and abrupt...raw and powerful, let alone, the watery natural abilities...

Gezlryie'Ra's Grand Manipulators were no match and succumbed to the outer-planar world beings...without a trace?

A glimpse of "Secrets of Infinity"...

Vill's Hand along with The Flower and the "Liquid Ring linked duo" -- Fabraut-Eedoo, a burrow squirrel and feline monk warrior of Jaunas, "Goddess of curiousness and passion" -- must enter the ruins of Gezlryie'Ra to reach the coast of the Unnamed ocean... the trio must hurry, time is running out... Jagis, Bo and Khalye-ya should be nearing the Nexus, which is guarded by the oldest living being on Corron, who has been dormant and waiting since the time of the "Rise".

Inspired by the "Green Factor" the Mimics have a home. ::) ty... i just pictured my friend flipping his finger by his neck...talking about small little gills that they hide... hehe ::)

Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Merchants end?

The Merchants is a rebellious country within the Watcher Nation.  Over the last two hundred years the toll of never ending war with the wretched Hordes, particularly BotGrimm and his brutal tactics, has raged in the north and turned the hierarchy sour -- greedy and a bit resentful toward the Watchers.

The present ruler of the rebel state has turned on Ten Lakes,  a thriving community with in the Merchants' borders. The loyalty of prosperous leaders of Ten Lakes lies completely with the Watchers -- their lineage rooted deep in the royal blood of the Tyborrs, the long-reining rulers of the Watcher nation. Although, Lord Tyborr has remained neutral, not making a move...watching. This has left the Merchants and Ten Lakes in limbo and now engaged in civil war. But, the true dispute of the Merchants lies behind the Lakes, with the Elemental dwarves and their ambitious progress within the large mountain range. The e-dwarves have taken advantage of the lakes and national highway to transport goods, taking profit from the Merchant state...this is a treasonous act in the state of Merchants.

How will the Merchants survive with two wars raging in its borders? The Hordes and Botgrimm from the north and Ten Lakes with their allies, the e-dwarves, push the Merchants into desperate times. Will they break their ties with the Watcher Nation or be forced to remain loyal to hold the hammering hordes out?

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Elemental Stones, created in the "Great Dwarven Explosion" the death of the Black Ogre Queen

The "Great Dwarven Explosion" was cased from the death of the Black Ogre Queen.  She has ruled the "Underground" and her black ogres since before the "Rise". Her realm has lied under the dwarves in peace for ever... until the Shadowhammer Clan"Deepdiggers" mined too far and discovered her hidden world.

The queen declared war on the intruding dwarves and inflicted wave after wave of her minions with devastating slaughter. The Dwarves were pushed to the edge of destruction, The most powerful clerics from all the dwarven clans, along with their allies...the Elementals, together with the flow and element magic  trapped the queen. She endured for days...the dwarves and the elementals combined their powers...dwarves called and prayed to their gods and elementals pulled power from their planes together as one -- the flow consumed the ogre queen -- her essence imploded, pulling the fabric of the planes inward to nothingness.

Nobody saw the explosion, because they all died during the implosion. The death throws of the Black Ogre Queen blasted the entire dwarven lands and beyond, reshaping the known world. As the dwarves and elementals begin to rebuild, they discover strange rocks with element flow abilities -- "Elemental Stones".  The "death" of the Ogre queen caused the elemental planes to fuse with the physical world. This fusion of planes lasted for only seconds...scared the mountains leaving powerful element flow trapped within. These stones changed Corron.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Secrets of Infinity The dark side of the tale

Haniq has gathered and reunited the sleeping Worrm Council and old alliances rekindle. The flow lich has persuaded the worrms to force their might on the northern hordes and use the beasts as a tool to destroy Infinity and his little humans. Haniq methodically works to release an ancient corespirit of untold evil and plans to attach his own soul to the ancient one. Once complete Haniq will rise to mingle with the gods. On the flip side, Haniq has control of the ancient ones' followers and shadow race, promising to return their ruler. If Haniq can't make it to the heavens...he will bring will bring it burning down. ~ somewhere in Corron.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Glen has taken a brief hiatus from posting to this blog.  The muse has spoken and he is currently in the midst of the creation process and writing on his book.  Glen will offer his literary excerpts for us again soon.  Thank you for checking in with him.

DCR, Editor
Lost Memoirs of Corron   

SranDorh and Vill say farewell...for now, "Dont forget," they told each other... Both dipped their chins, "Agreed," the soon-to-be Gods of Corron confirmed. Well...? everyone forgets...

The pact of the "Rise"was birthed in SranDorh's mind during the close of the "Dark times".  He stood high above, on the edge of a mountain that overlooked a tenebrious battlefield, "What are we fighting for?... I cant remember why or when it started," distantly mused the Infinity Lord. "How many have died?... For what?"...

The chaos that raged far below had been going on for months, both sides  slammed against each other with relentless force, over and over... trying to get the upper hand on its enemy -- although both armies proved equal in tactics and command of the flow. Neither side could prevail over the other, the blood poured.

Wicked flow, tainted with vile darkness, crackled and singed the air as it streaked from the insidious demon ranks, always countered or snuffed out by the Infinity Lord's Battle Manipulators, defending with their granted searing light.

SranDorh sighed as he gazed blankly over the slaughter. He had received news on the condition of the planet's core, the source of the flow,several days earlier. The core was fading, along with the presence of the flow, and would soon wink out... destroying everything.  Life would come to a halt... and fade from the universe, theirs would be a dead planet lost to the void. Many like himself had begun to gather, searching for a solution... time was running short, and still, all touched waged war, with no end in sight. Something had to be done quickly, by all the coretouched, Dark and Light together... for only together... could they survive.

Months later...

Vill faced his three thousand-year old enemy in a dismal cavern, far below the surface of Corron and waited patiently for a response. A moment passed in silence, except for the hollow hum of the wind singing into the depths.

"Yes... it's done," SranDorh quietly sighed.
 "Ah! good, that's it then. Oilthaed is sealed and the Rise can begin. What of the Oqre queen? She lives?" asked Vill with a squint of excitement. The Infinity Lord stood with his arms folded across his chest, "The queen lives and has no way to gain access to the prison. You know as well as I, she is incapable of tapping the core and is not a threat to any of us," said SranDorh, "So why ask?"

Vill spread a grin across his scarred face and replied, "A bit touchy today my friend, just asking...shall we?" he gestured, moving his hand and pointed down the dark tunnel that led further into the depths of the unknown. "Heaven waits for its Gods of Corron."

SranDorh stared at the twisted Vill, his gaze locked and serious, "We are not friends Scared one, don't forget that... now, lead on or step aside...we have work to do," he said with a bit of edge, then pushed past his nemesis.

"Heh heh heh... don't forget, this was your idea," Vill snickered, then turned and followed with his usual swagger. A moment later both Gods vanished into the dark gloom.
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Dwarven Element Flow… Music Worrms fear! ~ting!!!~

The ancient worrm(dragon) glided thru the thick and hazy sky sketched with dull shades of black and gray.  Reeking coppery death, he cruised and sliced the wind at an insane speed -- all the while scanning for his target far below on the smoke filled, blood stained battlefield… Saughtered beasts littered the entrance to the canyon mouth in the distance. Blocking the canyon, the Storm Mountain Clan dwarves defended and held the gap between the Gorr peaks, with pure ferocity and determination. Backed with the brutal "Element Flow", they kept the Worrm Circle's bestial troops at bay… not a single dwarf fell for two grueling days. Many of the defenders received mortal wounds, but all refused to fall…some stood trembling with patched up severed limbs, while many cringed with scorched flesh, small whiffs of smoke billowed from their beards.  But…boldly they waited, patiently they waited, for the next wave of chaos to come smashing against their shields… However, there would be no next wave, the worrm general had arrived with orders from his masters -- " Finish the short, stubborn bastards!"

Granitesissetinarg, a huge, ancient granite-scaled worrm, protected by its stony armor, slowed his speed and began a gradual decent -- his wings buffeted the air, spanning over a hundred feet, tip to tip…massive metallic teeth the size of daggers protruded out of wide a reptilian mug. The worrm's vile, piercing jet black eyes bored into the shielded pack of dwarves bravely clustering together, sizing them up for his attack. The Worm Circle's general soared near the waiting mountain clan, which looked like a large collection of shield domes clogging the Gorr gap.

Pathetic…look at the little meats, frozen in fear, just cowering behind their weak metal... knowing that death has come … probably sniveling to their…their… ah yes, their gods. Little creatures that grovel and beg for power… how sad, thought Granite casually as he approached, subconsciously choosing the dwarves final fate from his array of flow abilities.

Granite swooped in for his destructive pass, This will finish the them,  and sooner the better, I despise being this far south of the Circle. Granite was infuriated at being ordered to perform such a demeaning task, F ing Circle, he thought. Granite lined up, shooting up and down in quick, short pops, keeping himself balanced in the turbulent winds moving now at increased speed. Granitesissetinarg hurled fearlessly forward… murder twinkling in his black orbs.
The smoking dome pitted structures blocking the pass exploded, shedding shields that clanged to the ground revealing large crystals securing the siege weapons, set within metal frames braced to the earth by huge chains. Dwarves crouched near each stone with glowing red hot rods clutched in their grips, the rods ended with what looked to be tuning forks. War drums sounded from the canyon behind the rooted dwarves, creating a low hum that made the air tingle with a static charge. The crouched dwarves started to strike an odd assortment of glowing strings attached to the crystals with their forks… "Ting !!!... High pitched notes emanated from the musical dwarves as the crystals filled with Element flow energy -- within seconds the siege weapons sent green charged ripples tearing towards the approaching worrm.

Granite's eyes shot wide at the scene before him, he tried to pull up, but the hum from the canyon drums made the air heavy and sticky and forced him forward. No… he thought, then roared, instantly blasting his breath of vile death at the laughing dwarves… as his last act on Corron.
~ Happened sometime during the 1st Worrm Wars in the "Time of Darkness".
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Gezlyrie'Ra past, the answer to the 300yr old mystery. A trail within "Secrets of Infinity" ??? you never know

Gezlyrie'Ra was once a thriving mystical city claiming the fertile oasis that stretched south, for to the east, towered the Konlyr Shards, a massive scorched-tipped mountain range, spanning north and south for hundreds of miles. To the west of the city, scraping the edges of the oasis, stretched the Cracked Desert, a death trap to any who dared enter it. The oasis and Shards ran south together several hundred miles or more to meet up with the Unnamed ocean and tropical coast, populated by a mostly human race.

Three hundred years earlier Gezlyrie'Ra occupants began to vanish without a trace...none could help or define their enemy. The leaders sent word for help...none came. The southern cities abandoned the doomed city, afraid the epidemic of loss would spread. The mighty Gezlryie'Ra slowly faded into time and crumbled into ruin...alone, or were they?  None dared enter the lost city for 300 years, afraid they would vanish in the wind.

The mystery of the death of the great city Gezlryie'Ra will be explored in more detail within "Secrets of Infinity" Did anyone from the city survive? How did one of the mightiest magical cities in the southern world fall without a sound? How could the Grand manipulators of the flow fall so easily?

Here is a taste of what befell Gezlryie'Ra... 

An outer-planar race of amphibious mimics claimed a giant underground lake below the Konlyr Shards. Within the abysmal depths of the dark subterranean waters gaped a portal to their wet plane of existence. These water-and land-breathing mimics wielded an old and lost form of the flow...probably from the "Age of Coretouched", where many different forms of flow manipulation existed. Slowly and methodically the mimics snuffed out the city by confusion -- trapped and turned the citizens against one another. The mimics magic was ancient and abrupt...raw and powerful, let alone, the watery natural abilities...

Gezlryie'Ra's Grand Manipulators were no match and succumbed to the outer-planar world beings...without a trace?

A glimpse of "Secrets of Infinity"...

Vill's Hand along with The Flower and the "Liquid Ring linked duo" -- Fabraut-Eedoo, a burrow squirrel and feline monk warrior of Jaunas, "Goddess of curiousness and passion" -- must enter the ruins of Gezlryie'Ra to reach the coast of the Unnamed ocean... the trio must hurry, time is running out... Jagis, Bo and Khalye-ya should be nearing the Nexus, which is guarded by the oldest living being on Corron, who has been dormant and waiting since the time of the "Rise".

Inspired by the "Green Factor" the Mimics have a home. ::) ty... i just pictured my friend flipping his finger by his neck...talking about small little gills that they hide... hehe ::)
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The Merchants end?

The Merchants is a rebellious country within the Watcher Nation.  Over the last two hundred years the toll of never ending war with the wretched Hordes, particularly BotGrimm and his brutal tactics, has raged in the north and turned the hierarchy sour -- greedy and a bit resentful toward the Watchers.

The present ruler of the rebel state has turned on Ten Lakes,  a thriving community with in the Merchants' borders. The loyalty of prosperous leaders of Ten Lakes lies completely with the Watchers -- their lineage rooted deep in the royal blood of the Tyborrs, the long-reining rulers of the Watcher nation. Although, Lord Tyborr has remained neutral, not making a move...watching. This has left the Merchants and Ten Lakes in limbo and now engaged in civil war. But, the true dispute of the Merchants lies behind the Lakes, with the Elemental dwarves and their ambitious progress within the large mountain range. The e-dwarves have taken advantage of the lakes and national highway to transport goods, taking profit from the Merchant state...this is a treasonous act in the state of Merchants.

How will the Merchants survive with two wars raging in its borders? The Hordes and Botgrimm from the north and Ten Lakes with their allies, the e-dwarves, push the Merchants into desperate times. Will they break their ties with the Watcher Nation or be forced to remain loyal to hold the hammering hordes out?
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Elemental Stones, created in the "Great Dwarven Explosion" the death of the Black Ogre Queen

The "Great Dwarven Explosion" was cased from the death of the Black Ogre Queen.  She has ruled the "Underground" and her black ogres since before the "Rise". Her realm has lied under the dwarves in peace for ever... until the Shadowhammer Clan"Deepdiggers" mined too far and discovered her hidden world.

The queen declared war on the intruding dwarves and inflicted wave after wave of her minions with devastating slaughter. The Dwarves were pushed to the edge of destruction, The most powerful clerics from all the dwarven clans, along with their allies...the Elementals, together with the flow and element magic  trapped the queen. She endured for days...the dwarves and the elementals combined their powers...dwarves called and prayed to their gods and elementals pulled power from their planes together as one -- the flow consumed the ogre queen -- her essence imploded, pulling the fabric of the planes inward to nothingness.

Nobody saw the explosion, because they all died during the implosion. The death throws of the Black Ogre Queen blasted the entire dwarven lands and beyond, reshaping the known world. As the dwarves and elementals begin to rebuild, they discover strange rocks with element flow abilities -- "Elemental Stones".  The "death" of the Ogre queen caused the elemental planes to fuse with the physical world. This fusion of planes lasted for only seconds...scared the mountains leaving powerful element flow trapped within. These stones changed Corron.
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Secrets of Infinity The dark side of the tale

Haniq has gathered and reunited the sleeping Worrm Council and old alliances rekindle. The flow lich has persuaded the worrms to force their might on the northern hordes and use the beasts as a tool to destroy Infinity and his little humans. Haniq methodically works to release an ancient corespirit of untold evil and plans to attach his own soul to the ancient one. Once complete Haniq will rise to mingle with the gods. On the flip side, Haniq has control of the ancient ones' followers and shadow race, promising to return their ruler. If Haniq can't make it to the heavens...he will bring will bring it burning down. ~ somewhere in Corron.
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Glen has taken a brief hiatus from posting to this blog.  The muse has spoken and he is currently in the midst of the creation process and writing on his book.  Glen will offer his literary excerpts for us again soon.  Thank you for checking in with him.

DCR, Editor
Lost Memoirs of Corron   
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